

The SaeboFlex allows individuals suffering from neurological impairments the ability to incorporate their hand functionally in therapy and at home by supporting the weakened wrist, hand, and fingers. The SaeboFlex is a custom made orthosis that is non-electrically based and is purely mechanical.

The SaeboFlex positions the wrist and fingers into extension in preparation for functional activities. The user is able to grasp an object by voluntarily flexing his or her fingers. The extension spring system assists in re-opening the hand to release the object.

The main aims of the Saebo products are to:

  • Allow patients to use arm and hand functionally
  • Decrease learned non-use of the arm and hand
  • Increase learned use of the arm and hand
  • Reduce spasticity
  • Improve the patients range of movement/strength/control
  • Reduce your risk of falling
  • Improve the patients quality of life

Saebo’s pioneering treatment principles are based on the latest advances in neurorehabilitation research documenting the brain’s ability to “re-program” itself through mass practice, task oriented arm training. The SaeboFlex takes advantage of the most recent research by allowing patients to immediately begin using their hand for functional grasp and release activities. Individuals up to 20 years post neurological injury can benefit from the SaeboFlex. In addition, the ability to use the hand in therapy and at home has been reported as extremely motivating during the recovery process.

SaeboFlex can help patients regain arm and hand function who have neurological impairments including:

  • Stroke
  • Head Injury
  • Spinal Injury
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Brachial Plexus injury

As part of your care when you purchase a Saebo product you will receive:

  • The units at cost Price – We don’t mark up the cost of equipment
  • A dedicated fitting session where we will fit your SaeboFlex/SaeboReach unit and work with any support staff or family members to show them how to use it.
  • An individual personalised exercise programme specific to your needs and goals
  • Dedicated 1 to 1 Physiotherapy sessions
  • Technical support from trained staff should you have any questions or problems
  • The opportunity to attend our Saebo group therapy sessions

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