As a team we have decades of experience in working with all types of Spinal Cord Injury and we are trusted by many of the UK’s leading legal and case management companies to provide rehabilitation for their clients.
Spinal Cord Injury can take many forms, whether it arises as the result of an injury such as a fall, motor vehicle accident, complications from surgery or as the result of a spinal tumour. We are here to offer to the most advanced and innovative treatment solutions in the UK.
We focus on core skills in clinic initially such as transfers, sitting balance, bed mobility and postural control as well as important advanced skills such as transferring on and off the floor if needed. With access to the very latest in robotic and electrical stimulation rehabilitation equipment we can allow patients to have the benefit of moving muscles and limbs which was previously not possible. This is essential for clients with partial spinal cord injury diagnosis to help regain function but equally as important for those with a complete diagnosis to maintain, muscle bulk, assist with bladder and bowel management, maintain joint and skin integrity.
We offer a variety of treatment options from single sessions to intensive treatment packages for those with a more advanced treatment need or rehab potential.
As part of your treatment, you will be assessed by a Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist to fully assess your physical rehabilitation needs and set goals jointly with you. We will then give an honest opinion on what will likely yield the best outcome to encourage independence and comfort day to day.
Please contact us to discuss our advanced treatment options for yourself or your client.