

A Dynamic Solution for a Dynamic Problem

The SaeboStretch uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and tone. In addition, it utilises a low-load, long-duration stretch to return the fingers to the desired position. The SaeboStretch overcomes issues which can result from traditional splints including deformity, joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures.

The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable hand pieces, each with a different grade of resistance. This feature further protects joints and allows the clinician the ability to customize to meet each individuals specific needs. The liner is easily removable for routine cleaning.

SaeboReach can help patients regain arm and hand function who have neurological impairments including:

  • Stroke
  • Head Injury
  • Spinal Injury
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Brachial Plexus injury

As part of your care when you purchase a Saebo product you will receive:

  • The units at cost Price – We don’t make up the cost of equipment
  • A dedicated fitting session where we will fit your SaeboStretch unit and work with any support staff or family members to show them how to use it.
  • An individual personalised exercise programme specific to your needs and goals
  • Dedicated 1 to 1 Physiotherapy sessions
  • Technical support from trained staff should you have any questions or problems
  • The opportunity to attend our Saebo group therapy sessions

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